This website is dedicated to supply you with totally free, imaginative little paper creatures!
access:2741 update:2010/09/12
These models are a gift from me to you.
access:5682 update:2010/09/12
Free templates of Padda oryzivora (Java sparrow, ricebird, Reisfink, Padda de Java, or Buncho). Various colors; Normal(Wild type), Sakura(Pied), Silver(Opal), Fawn(Isabel, Cinnamon), White, etc.
access:8093 update:2009/04/11
You can download templates of Digital Navy card model.
access:10061 update:2008/11/06
The wiki about building costumes from the Halo universe that anyone can edit. You can download a lot of Pepakura data.
access:53024 update:2008/11/06
You can download vast amount of FREE templates.
access:7370 update:2008/11/05
russian web site
access:11668 update:2008/11/05