access:2474 update:2019/01/30
This is an Articulated Fire Truck, it has movable parts and is a fun project. By printer manufacturer Canon, they have several more throughout the site!
access:2291 update:2019/01/28
Here is an easy-to-build paper model of a Winter House with Christmas decorations.
access:2198 update:2018/12/17
Here is a simple small diorama which is a reinterpretation of a Van Gogh painting, The Yellow House, from 1888.
access:4492 update:2018/11/26
Santa Claus By Rondipaper 35 cm e 60 cm - $ 23 paypal ryuanimeextreme@hotmail.com

access:2111 update:2018/11/15
Papercraft Submarino

access:1916 update:2018/11/09
Ichigo Papercraft Bleach Chibi
access:1904 update:2018/11/09

access:1937 update:2018/11/01
This is the paper toy of Michael Myers, from Halloween horror movies franchise.
access:1643 update:2018/10/30
Santa Claus by RondiPaper
access:1518 update:2018/10/29
Dean SuperNatural Chibi Papercraft by RondiPaper

access:1740 update:2018/10/29
Donkey Kong Square 3D free for you.
access:2554 update:2018/10/29
This low poly model is available for download at my site rondipaper.com.br, paypal paypal email: ryuanimeextreme@hotmail.com Value: US $ 8
access:1951 update:2018/10/29
This is a low poly model, I recommend mounting for collectors and fans of the megaman series, I hope everyone can buy this model via paypal ryuanimeextreme@hotmail.com $ 5
access:1636 update:2018/10/29
Download Free
access:1656 update:2018/10/29
Paypal ryuanimeextreme@HOTMAIL.COM - $ 28 American
access:2043 update:2018/10/29
Download free Megaman Funko
access:1744 update:2018/10/29
Hi guys!! This model is free for all to complete the collection of Power Rangers Chibis by Eduardo André
access:1817 update:2018/10/29
Thundertank by Rondipaper $ 35 $ paypal: ryuanimeextreme@gmail.com
access:2002 update:2018/10/29
Lindo quadro 3d para fazer com papel colorido
access:3079 update:2018/10/29
Quadro 3d de Freeza para sua parede no rondipaper
access:2229 update:2018/10/29
Quadro 3d de Goku Papercraft de 70 cm de altura
access:2643 update:2018/10/29
Here is the first character of my Halloween paper toy series: the Jack-O'-Lantern. You will find a colored and a black and white version.
access:1697 update:2018/10/29
Here is the "Three Simple Shops" diorama, ready to download. The whole model occupies only three sheets of paper.
access:3614 update:2018/10/29
This is more one generic garage that I believe will be useful for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.
access:3895 update:2018/10/29