Tama Software

Free Software

You can use free software provided in this page, and are free to re-distribute them. Although we cannnot support them, any bug-reports or comments by e-mail are welcome. Since they are rather small files, download will soon complete.

These software are provided in self-expand archive files. When you download a archive file, execute it to extract target utility. There is no document file. To see how to use, execute it without parameter from command-line. To see more detailed information, execute it with /? or -? parameter.

Utilities marked as "WIN32DOS" can be executed under Windows 95 or Windows NT command prompt.

Utilities marked as "DOS16" can be executed under MS-DOS or any Windows command prompt. They don't support long file names.

File Connector (funify.exe for WIN32DOS)

A tool for editing small files into one file collectively. Convenient when editing number of small files like HTML page.

Program Line Counter (lines.exe for WIN32DOS)

Count program code's lines without comments. Supports C/C++, BASIC, assembler, and FORTRAN.

Return Character Converter (cvret.exe for WIN32DOS)

Convert text file's return character. Support DOS, UNIX, and Machintosh.

Compare Time Stamp (fctime.exe for DOS16)

This software compares the same name files under two different directories by their time stamp. It displays the result, and you can copy, move, or delete files in specific results. (Year 2000 compliant)

Tama Software Ltd.

Last updated at